Language is a tool to communicate. But with changing times it has become more than just a tool for expression.
I personally believe that "Language must be a tool for communicating our thoughts expressions and whatever we want to convey rather than being a medium to judge standards."
Its the weakness of that nation either in past or present, which gives English such an important status, and to support my argument I can very well state the examples of nations that take pride in usage of their aboriginal language. They too might be judging the standards of the ones they meet but then that parameter wont be based on usage of a foreign language.
Its really a matter to ponder over as too why would someone near you laugh if you use proper hindi vocabulary and would take you for an entertainer rather than a nation lover.
Its really a matter to ponder over as too why would someone near you laugh if you use proper hindi vocabulary and would take you for an entertainer rather than a nation lover.
This is not just the case with Hindi its with all the countries which are psyched and driven by the phile for this foreign language to an extent that many who live in those areas are basically detached from roots and are neither good at usage of English Grammar nor are they least bit interested in learning their mother tongue.
It was a wise man who said," Kill the culture, burn the history and wipe the records of past, and the nation will be forever yours without much efforts."
The irony is that this article is in itself in that same foreign language because I myself am a product of this mashed up society where English is not a medium to communicate rather a tool used for qualification.
PS.- The errors, if there are, will be rectified after the editing is done.
Hope you enjoyed reading.
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