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Life is dynamic yet what happens is all written.

For the last few days I have been thinking and planning to make my arrangements as per the need of the hour.   But this article is not about that or what, how, when, where and why am I planning and for what arrangements.

While I was busy following the general mode of operation followed while making plans. I do keep a room, a leverage , a breathing room for the possibility of chances. I am not the perfectionist nor am I close to being one. But I do believe that life is dynamic in itself.

While we are busy making our plans life is busy in making things happen that may or may not be according to our plans. Its a lie that one says to himself that his plans worked perfectly. Well I would term him simply lucky enough to predict his future. The more the luck the better planner one thinks of himself but in reality its all a lie a big fat lie we believe and make ourself agreeable to. Then who are we, well we are psuedo-planners or quasi-planners, and the chances for our plan to work are merely at mercy of time and events.

Then why do we plan all together when nothing is in our hands, when all that happens is all together written and happens the way it is supposed to be.

Well another myth we believe is that we work and its all our efforts that are paid as the fruits of our labor. Think again, so many people all around, don't they work and by that I mean work tirelessly day and night, many to make there ends meet and many to caress their dreams nurturing them like their own child.

Many might be wondering what my point is and what am I trying to say. Here is my point of view, Life is dynamic or better would be to say that life is the best artificial intelligence ever created by some externally driven force which is the reason for all this to exist in first place.
And time is the inspector that inspects if the events that happen are as they are destined to. And in this system we humans are the basic working element which set things in motion and makes things happen as per the wish of the supernatural force or better would be to say a bigger system yet to be discovered. No one in system however advance can find a workforce that works selflessly . Then, what is in it for homo sapiens, one with their own intelligence and one with the power to do work or karma.

It won't be easily digested fact to accept that man is the laborer of time who is made to belive that it's his doing and he is the one who makes things happen. He is given the freedom to think himself as the supreme and above all. He is given the gift of or freedom to make abstract plans and choose the path he wishes to follow in realisation of those plans. But with intelligence comes a drawback. Plans devised can be as vivid or humongously absurd. And thats where life takes its own course. No matter what you think, plan or believe it will ultimately work out in the ways its decided. As I said earlier time is the inspector who checks the events happening due to human activities are as they are supposed to happen. It never fails and it eventually happens the way its supposed to be but this doesn't mean that the component called time is useless. No its not!. Nothing there is, is without any cause ever. Then what is time exactly for. Well every heard the term bumpy ride. So is the case here, the events destined by the bigger system, of which our life is a sub part, that are supposed to occur in life are not smooth and fluid enough to be happen easily. Thats where insanity comes into play. Time judges the future turn of events and send a signal encapsulated and renamed as thoughts.

Man makes plans according to those thoughts and many a times for those bumpy events with outcomes that have to be vastly different from outcomes of current course followed by man, insanity has to do the job. And in the end if whatever was decided by superior system is good for a human then that man is given the credit for those plans which were implanted due to the thoughts that were generated by time only to make things happen as per the wish of superior system or what we call supernatural or god.
Think broadly about all those couplets, quotes and thoughts like for instance,
मनुष बली नहि होत है ,समय होत बलवान | भीलन लूटी गोपिका, वही अर्जुन वही बान ||
(Its not man who is strong but time.)

Humans are the most crutical part of this complete system of time.
In a nutshell, It won't be wrong to say thay all around us, its all a lie, a mesmerizing thought thats working only as it's planned to. And always happens in the way its written on the que card entered in our system by the higher or superior system we have been discussing for long and the catch is that the que card comes with definite output and it's the duty of time to make it happen from the labors of man.
झूठै लेना झूठे देना। झूठे भोजन झूठ चबेना॥ 
(Its all a lie whatever we do.)

Why do we work when we know this much then can't we boycott the work and do nothing at all.

First thing first, doing nothing at all in itself a work. Till we breathe and burn resources that drive life we are bound to work. Whatever we do, we think, we conclude or make our decisons are all decided. The thoughts implanted will make you process things in the way its bound to happen. And thats the reason its said that,

विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि।
(Man loses his intelligence when time is not on his side)

But seeing the bigger picture, time is not on anyone side. It works and completes is duty as it is instructed to.

Secondly, we humans have a meter installed, that works into play and its called satisfaction. No matter what the results are but a man find solace when he attains positive reading on the scale of meter.

If we are all, bound to work the way its desired then whats the need of this factor all together because as a laborer it must not matter. Or should it?
Answer to this is simple.

Firstly, Its widely accepted belief that happy employee results in happy employee. Its all there only for better work management and reduce the resistance (kinda like a 5star rated energy saving appliance).

And second thing is when that superior system, whom we can call god or supernatural force as we have been refering to, created humans then he actually created more or less a miniature version of himself.
Isn't it said,
Every human is an image of god.

And considering that fact, if we somehow manage to create our own miniature replica, then will we find pleasure in sighting of those replicas where are treated roughly and inhumanly.

Many a times some great life events in a life of human, happen at places, where he can never dreams of them happening. But one thing follows another and things take turn in a surprising way for a man.

Why is life so bumy afterall? Well, answer to this is life is, as I had said earlier, a system with artificial Intelligence and the bigger system of which its a part of, the one we know by variety of names, keeps rigorously testing all its subcomponents.

Its  kinda like we humans behave. If we create any product, (Software or Hardware) or any thing at all or even if we buy any working product like an automobile for instance, dont we test it atleast once, under harshest possible conditions making full use of potential of that system, inspite of knowing the desired results of our tests. The difference is that we desire the results we expect until that system is fool proof then either we modify, alter or improvise to make it fool proof. And for that we ourselves test our system, or product in this case under rigrous conditions.

And so does the supernatural driving force with its created system called Life.

This article will be endless as is life but whatever I write won't be a new discovery. Its all accounted and well versed in many books by many great thinkers. The source of all speculstions is always in our roots like for instance, Bhagwat Gita, whats different is just the mannerism of observation. All those who look beyond will self inspect and explore more finally reaching the same conclusions, maybe in a different way or with a different lens which simply is related to anyone's graspimg, narrating, exploring and imaginative strength. Concluding the topic I may therefore say and can believe, that,

Life is dynamic and keeps changing because of the que cards inserted and on them all that's to happen is written.

PS- Ignore errors, its a first draft thats published. Will be edited.

Hope you enjoyed reading.

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